
茶の湯 (The way of tea no.1)

盆略点前 bonryaku-temae is one of the basic tea making forms where a tray is used. The tea making is centered around the use of the tray.

At the top is the 薄茶器 usuchaki, which is used to store green tea powder.

Bottom is the 茶碗 chawan (tea bowl), 茶巾 chakin (Linen Tea Cloth) used to dry the tea bowl.

茶筅 chasen (tea whisk)

茶杓 chashaku (tea scoop)

The 床の間 tokonoma is used as a focal point for guests entering the tea room. The picture on the scroll and flower gives an idea of the current season.

風炉 furo (portable brazier) is used to boil the tea. 柄杓 hishaku (ladle) is used to scoop water from the 水差し (water container) bottom. 薄茶器 usuchaki (tea holder) is displayed on the top of the 棚 tana (shelf).  

薄茶器 usuchaki (tea holder) displayed on the 棚 tana (shelf)

お濃茶 okoicha (thick tea)

お濃茶入れ okoicha ire (thick tea holder)

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